The International Conference “Exchange of good practices on metal by-products recovery – technology and policy challenges” will take place in Brussels, Belgium on 12 and 13 November 2015.

Existing and emerging technologies vital for the progress of our society and the competitiveness of our economy are highly dependent on the sustainable supply of raw materials. In particular, a number of scarce or critical metals play a fundamental role on innovations in high-tech sectors such as renewable energy, telecommunications, information technology or defence industry.

Many of these strategic metals are often by-products of mining and processing: they are contained in ore bodies or complex end-of life products as accompanying elements of the major metals, usually at low concentrations. Nowadays, many by-products are often not properly recovered so they finish diluted in major elements or wasted.

The Conference will tackle the technology challenges but also the policies and regulatory framework apt to promote the recovery of metal by-products which are currently sub-exploited. With a focus on processing during primary production, this event aims to provide a unique opportunity to share experiences, exchange good practices and present existing examples across the whole value chain. It will bring together industry, academia and research entities excelling in the technologies to recover by-products, as well as relevant public entities and policymakers from the EU and from third countries.

In addition to presentations and posters from relevant international stakeholders, a specific session aimed to promote cooperation in the field of research and innovation is envisaged, including a presentation of the relevant future calls under Programme Horizon 2020.

This is an event organised by the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) of the European Commission with the funding support of the Partnership Instrument.

To take part of this event, all participants will be invited to register online. Registration will open in September, more details will follow.

Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Email: [email protected]

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