A milestone in the 50+ year history of EuroGeoSurveys, September 29 and 30 saw the kickoff of the Geological Service for Europe (GSEU) Coordination and Support Action Project in Brussels. With more than 70 in-person participants and more than 100 online, EuroGeoSurveys hosted the event for the 48 partners including almost all EuroGeoSurveys members and a number of other organizations. The kickoff marked the beginning of the 5 year project, which will contribute valuable new datasets, knowledge, and user-targeted tools addressing critical raw materials, geoenergy, groundwater resources, coastal erosion and offshore windfarms, geological baseline information, and the cross-cutting and supporting information infrastructure – the European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI). The overarching goal of the GSEU project is to lead EuroGeoSurveys towards a sustainable Geological Service for Europe.